[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

I’m not about to get scammed
I was planning to get italy to kill them after this trial by forcing them to be in one location

no this was a meme, but theoretically possible


Well since it is EoTC. I guess I can come out clean

You thought it was Jane, but it was I, UNIVERSAL!

Well… we will have to wait for Alice to explain, I suppose.

I’m joking by the way. I am just very happy xP

I can avenge Marshal’s death :smiley:

how can you do this?

Do what?

It was a meme.
Dunno how Uni would’ve done it in theory though.
He would’ve had to obtain alcohol somehow, and I thought Geyde cleared him?

im worried this is gonna be for nothing, as i think its just jane with the ate towards my vote.

no I meant what do you mean you can avenge Marshal?

I never cleared them really

I just thought they weren’t blackened

inb4 Mole is Blackened and just got hella gamered on

Well, we got to take a risk one way or another.
I will definitely take the risk that involves Alice instead of one which doesn’t involve B!Wazza, of course.

Oh. Okay.
…fucking hell. The triumvirate has a lot of power.
I have been spending my time defending Vul and CRich while all you had to do was tell everyone once that Uni was innocent.

I don’t think I have that much power tbh

Ask Jane and Mole what they thought about Uni.
I bet you they will say that they didn’t think of him at all because you said you cleared him, Italy, and the other members of the triumvirate.

Why do people trust me so much
I’ve been a better MM than the actual MM