[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End


Ok, @Marshal do you want to team up as well?

I would like to join once I am finished with my own business. Are you fine with this?

Do remember that this is the Prologue. We can’t do much except from visiting the bathrooms and the dorms for the time being.

That will be nigh impossible, considering we are at the start of the game, when there shouldn’t be any leads to the mastermind at all.

(my one hope for this game is i dont die before a trial as they are the most fun parts of the games from what i have played)


no worries here Nariko gives a mighty thumbs up

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i’m going with zone for round 1

also I will always be inclined to trust you and that’s too dangerous so tbh I wanna stay away

Oh, that’s fine. Also we can switch teams?

Wait, are we even allowed to form teams? I just skimmed the top post and didn’t find anything about teams

pregame impressions


Has that chart changed since then?

There are no “teams” so far. All “teams” are fake, made up socially. Sulit and I don’t like each other from the get-go, but that doesn’t mean that you (or Marshal for that matter) have to choose a side.

I mean I just made it

it’s basically pregame right now


I just wanted to clear that up since I didn’t see anything about teams

Good point.

also take this as a warning if anyone says anything mean to me I will stab you

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We can form teams, but essentially only stuff in this thread… “stuff said in the Cafeteria” are public.

If you and Marshal were to enter the Male WC together, then you will enter a PM where nobody can know what happened.

How mean we talking, like if i call u a dingus, or do i have to really think of something wonky to call you. Nariko jokes

depends on how insulted i feel

im going immediately to the cafeteria and then im going to call you all nerds in the main thread

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I forgot about there being different threads for different parts of the map. I see how stuff like this would go down