[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

(Also, several people have weapons, but that’s a given at this point.)

Ding dong ding dong.

Night time is officially over. Good morning everyone.

Marshal enters the cafeteria.

Geyde enters the cafeteria.

I have pertinent information

PKR heads to the kitchen.

Wazza heads to the cafeteria.

Don’t you dare reveal anything about our lead, Geyde.

Everyone, we have an extremely major lead towards the Killer.

I’m not revealing anything, nor did I ever plan to
That’s for later

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No point in revealing it yet, but it’s good to know we have something

It’s not about the killer though
It’s about the method

We already know the method.

Also, Geyde. Gonna whisper you.

Jane enters the cafeteria.

Hi. I have limited™ MP since I was moving during nighttime.

Would you mind outing what you have, or will you wait until CT?

Italy enters the cafeteria.

the method is clear enough
we have other evidence

I have evidence towards the killer as well.