[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

i’m fully aware
literally nothing you have is interesting

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“All I will ask you is, is that file about me or Yui? If not then I do not care for now.”

What if… The killer killed Kyo, and found a way to keep the body really cold for several hours, then brought the body to the scene. That would throw off your investigation, yes?

It is not, no.

the incinerator was still on when the body was found
i’m quite sure of it

(I do not know how to keep explaining that I used a damn ability. AAAAH


Mind if I check yours?

“I can only guarantee that I have done everything in my power to consider both heat and cold in determining the exact time of death.”

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I’ve been in the Cafeteria from the time of the murder.

THAT DOESN’T MEAN IT IS FOOLPROOF - autopsies work by observing how body breakdown after death at room temperatures.

If the body is kept colder it will be slower and make the body look like it died more recently, warmer makes it look like it died much earlier.

i don’t have anything in my slots
you’re free to check

Yep, checks out.

(I am getting a drink. UGH.
“Well then miss, I hate to say it but you are stating something I already know. As long as you seek to throw off this investigation, do know that I will be keeping an eye on you from now on.”

In fact, I wasn’t even awake during the murder lol




I’m positive it’s Sulit.

Sulit visited the A/V Room so many times, Sulit had a key to the A/V Room and there was a locked and unlocked desk in there

The A/V Room was locked? Or do you mean a key from the A/V room?

No, I meant the desk. I’m just speed typing.

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Me refusing to accept one source as gospel is not me throwing off the investigation.

I want more evidence to support it

how about the evidence that they literally have the title of the best doctor