[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Like in the Danganronpa show. Didn’t Monokuma spice things up by showing the state of disarray of the world to the students?

I am thinking that something similar will take place. Like “I know what is the most precious to you. Join me and we can win” sorta of thing

thats when u tell em no u

No, you see… for the mastermind to “force” another player to kill another / make them escape this place at all costs, the mastermind would have to give them a motive.

However, we are players, and not all of us are roleplaying in this game. So how does Alice plan to “force” us to kill someone?

…I hope you are joking, because there is no such mechanic in this game.

Yes, but what I am curious about is what Alice plans to do if the player cannot relate to their character’s motivation.

Maybe there would be something like “If you refuse you will commit suicide the following day.”


I mean it could be something like “kill someone in 3 days or you will die”

or like "you can snap your fingers and snap the neck of anyone you are alone in a room with


Damn, I disagree with my placement and Zone can confirm that.

where would u put urself


I don’t like killing people, it’s why in my DR Game I hosted I made as many people survive as I could and in the RP I hosted I made everyone survive in the end lmao.

“doesn’t need to kill anyone because they are the mastermind”


I honestly am of the opinion that everyone is nice

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sshh, don’t expose me.

I don’t want to kill anyone


First of all, spoilers.
Secondly, Monokuma didn’t do that until Genocide Jack revealed herself into public. When Naegi figured that all of them had mass-amnesia.

Well yes, but no. I am curious what will happen in case the player is too invested in being an innocent… that they don’t work along with the mastermind after the mastermind supposedly “converted” the innocent player.

This is pretty much the answer I was looking for, and the one I both admire and fear.

I can indeed confirm that Wazza’s placement is disagreeable.

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Like thats the hope, but given circumstances I think we all have a point where we will in some way harm another, through words or battle. I didnt want to harm Marshal last game, but did so because he attacked another player

I’m so sorry! Is there a way I can edit the post so it doesn’t show the spoiler? And I apologize for my bad memory, I haven’t rewatched the show for a long time now

To be honest, if charged with the decision between sacrificing myself to save other people who are innocent in the game I would do it

*Between sacrificing myself or living

Don’t worry about it. You can edit it, but the mods won’t like it, so just leave it be.

For the future, you can write [spoiler]blurred text[/spoiler] in case you want to blur something.

The reason why is just because I know they would contribute more than I could xP