[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

“Immense heat can cause a body to decay faster, which I want to add.”

(I am stating the results from my fucking ability. If I have to state this one more time I am going to go mad.

this is my exact thought process

It is a yes or no question

“We already went over this with little miss interruption.”

wait i just thought of something

App whisper me

I am whispering you we have a new thread

Have you tried looking up those dates or smth?

biggest problem is that if the kill fails, the victim isn’t notified
even for something dumb and obvious like a literal crossbow
so it’d have to be someone with zero clue what they’re doing

yeah tried holidays, days of the week, etc.

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“This is incorrect when it comes to our victim.”

but the thing is it still cuts the poe down to people who were in the av room. Basicaly as thats where weapon originated from wazzas tellings

“I found a file on our victim, there is no doubt he would know if anyone tried to murder him.”

is kyo made aware

Maybe it’s not even related to dates? Idk anymore.

Sulit was also missing during the murder

It seems Pkr won’t answer a basic question. I’ll go and check myself

okay so murderer attempts to shoot kyo, and misses
kyo immediately notices, and points it out
the killer begins to panic, and a struggle starts
since kyo is fatigued, they are overpowered and are thrown into the incinerator where they burn and die of shock

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“This sounds accurate. Thankfully someone finally makes sense.”