[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Ok. I am sorry to everyone if I spoiled something major about the show!

Nah, it’s fine. Really. I don’t think they will mind.

oh we have 24 hours to just talk haha


idk why y’all feel so bad about killing i would stab literally all of you but uni in a heartbeat if I thought it was smart or fun

Yeah it’s like day D1 in FoL/FM games.

I remember in VLDR i just peaced out and gamered

wish I could just peace out and gamer but I gotta eat food or smn

its mainly i dont want to ruin experiences for others. So like i felt incredibally bad after shooting you even if it made sense from my pov

what did y’all expect signing up for a game where 15/16 of the wincons are “kill someone” lmao

I’m hurt by this evaluation

idk man

Not really. Killing someone and covering up the murder is one way to do it.

Its not that I am heavily against killing, its just that I don’t think you would do it for no reason Marshal. You are too intelligent and awesome to do it randomly

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I mean the reason I would do it is “win”

or “because it’s gamer”


If it’s only to win, then the fastest way is by killing someone and get away with it as the Blackened. Not sure if that’s “gamer” though.

In any case, it doesn’t exactly change my plans for early Daily Life 1; I will show you something, and then you four will be free to go do whatever you want to do.

i asked alice about this long before the game started
if mastermind is killed, then the game ends after the blackened trial
but the mastermind will have tools to make them hard to kill

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i am all of these at once and it is bold of you to assume i would only kill for fun

Wazza has left the cafeteria.

So that is a thing

i like how wazza and apprentice both hated being placed at “would kill for fun” and then i just go
"fun or not, i will be taking somebody’s life"