[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

like I wanna know wtf gorta was doing, but also it’s probably just sulit

or Moleland is a god and used an ability to spy on me

I don’t know why y’all want Gorta to speak since we have a literal witness and far too many coincidences to tell us that Sulit killed Kyo.

This is assuming sulit is only suspect
Gorta / uni are technically on the table, right?

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Honestly, Gorta has no incentive to talk. We all seem to be decided that Sulit is the culprit, and even if Sulit isn’t, Gorta automatically wins the game due to the offer Monokuma put up.

I think Uni is off the table tbh.

“It’s a frame job”

All Gorta has to do is be invisible, and not say anything. Which is why I want more from him.

I think Mole with an ability seeing me is more likely than uni

early bird doesn’t trigger without two deaths

ah here is Moleland.

technically yes

I trust uni a lot with just general behaviour and things he’s said but he’s not technically out of the running

@Universal you were alone in thst hallway when you saw Sullit, correct?

Wazza thats like saying We have two suspects, one in a thunder dome with another, and a third who hasnt spoken. L4ets lynch one of the ones in the thunder dome. Thats dumb

It’s not a frame job as there’s nothing that can frame Sulit.

Yes, I was alone

meanwhile you’re still afraid of me
what does uni have that i don’t

basically this. I don’t think Uni did it, but it’s not mechanically proven

I said techically
I’m 90% sure sulit is the evil from their general sheepishness regarding replying to me plus all of the evidence plus trying to bullshit their way around going to west commons

But technicalities are technicalities

lets start with @sulit were you in the av room when the unlocked desk was opened, and if so with who