[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

“they are in a shitty spot, so committing murder near them would make it so that they are prime suspect”

I am not afriad of you as far as if you can be the killer

and uni has the fact that he isn’t italy who I know was planning a murder earlier

was it because I was planning the same murder and we bumped in to each other? maybe

still don’t trust you

I unlocked the desk, no one was in there


And no one other than Sullit saw you, correct?

and what was inside

bullshit you were planning one too

a crossbow

Ah I forgot about that detail. Nevermind, I am sorry xP


Sulit knew about KyoDaz’s location of the Garbage Disposal Room.
Sulit had a bunch of keys which unlocked things.
Sulit went to the A/V Room first.
A Crossbow Bolt came from the A/V Room.
Sulit was missing during the time of the Murder.
Universal claims to see Sulit going through West Commons during the time of the Murder.

me: plans elaborate plan to gas you all with VX nerve agent pregame
also me: goes to chem lab and can’t find a single chemical to make it with

my literacy isn’t a part of this

and you took it?

it takes a psycho to know a psycho

and you, italy, are a psycho

I did yes

Yes, Sulit is the only one who saw me and even said hi

ok and where is the crossbow now?

In my dorm

Do you still have the crossbow?

The crossbow bolt hadn’t appeared to have been fired from my inspection iirc