[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

We have to act as both prosecutors and defence attorneys here. We have to wear both hats.

With that in mind. I’d like us to test an alternate culprit theory. Couldn’t Universal also have had opportunity to commit the crime?

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Kyo was in the garbage room
Crossbow bolt was found in west commons
if it was shot, it would have gone farther

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I was planning to keep it in there while I’m as afk but then my dorm got locked and I couldn’t get any of my stuff

presumably yes

but no

idk what the crossbow stuff even is

That’s good to know.
Man mobile phones are like mini PCs these days.

Ok and when was the last time u have made contact with the victim, where and when

is this the part where we truth bullet sulit

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crossbow is in no way related to this murder

case against sulit comes from them not being available during time of murder + witness testimony regarding that


presumably yes
there’s little to disprove the theory

wazza claims that a crossbow was used in the murder, discovered via ability

i also apologize for slow responses, playing games and forum lagging

I think this is just her ability.

@Universal did you ever see Kyo today?

have u been in contact with the victim kyodaz where and when

I only had one key that unlocked the desk

Anything else I unlocked was just puzzles

Private Slots exist.

I never said it was shot. I said it was there.
I have mechanical info it came from the A/V Room so don’t ask me.

I checked crossbow bolt in west commons
it appeared to not have been used iirc
I’ll double check rn