[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Don’t forget, Dorms were locked.

@DatBird You’re thinking too much into this. Just face it. Sulit wasn’t framed.

for a long time

That it couldn’t physically be removed

He wasn’t in the Cafeteria.

just search “gorta”

Why is bolt there
Convince me

Nvm he was. I forgot my own feedback.

Because Sulit either dropped it, or something happened during the struggle.

italy and I are this weird kind of masons where we know the other is probably not the mastermind but also that the other is definitely someone to not be trusted

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What im saying is, someone robbed sulit, took a bolt and committed a crime. Theres no way to justify that it instantly goes into her private slot, and i think wazza is bs as he somehow knew exactly sulit had the crossbow and where she got it, he claimed it was from an ability, but the thing is his abilioty contradicts pkrs ability




this is more like “marshal knows italy cannot be trusted while italy just does his own thing and ignores marshal because marshal bails as soon as he can after seeing italy”

Because I would know, since it isn’t a mechanic in this game?

I didn’t forget. Dat’s “WORLD” says that sulit stored her crossbow AND BOLT in her dorms, and that someone stole the bolts. WHAT THE ****!?

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Gorta clear

how do u know did u ask alice

oh so gorta has just been in the cafeteria the whole time and we missed it?

cool cool

According to the info Alice gave me, Gorta was in the Cafeteria during the murder/BDA.

to be fair though
i would not want to be trapped with me in a locked room either

Yeah gorta was in cafeteria and left post murder