[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

there is no extra info to be gianed by trialing or not trialing sulit. We will still know who was the blackened, right?

im willing to listen but i dont think this is a open and shut case.

Perfect was wondering who your alibi was with, cheers.

oh yeah warehouse whole time

I mean if we screw up the MM gets closer to wincon

we kill the blackened here, or we don’t and they instantly leave the game
it’s that simple

Hold on, something…is wrong

Actually, MM could be anyone since… it doesn’t have to be the USK.
It’s just that the USK is the most dangerous player… and CRich just unleashed the beast by telling the School Roster IN PUBLIC.

Dat isn’t MM
That much I’m sure of from their conviction

yes I know that

which is why i’m saying that saying sulit is the best yeet simply for information’s sake is wrong

I think sulit is the blackened, and that’s why I will probably vote her

does a falesly accused innocent die?

it was all bluffing when i threatened to yeet sulit lmao

No it simply means we’re one trial closer to execution.

wait what i didn’t know that

@Universal can u come here i have questions

Marshal :handshake: Italy :handshake: Wazza :handshake: Gorta :handshake: Jane - All Together during the Murder - Cafeteria.
Dat :handshake: Geyde - Both Together during the Murder - Location Unclear
CRich :handshake: Zone - Both Together during the Murder - Chemistry Lab (I think)
Vulgard :handshake: PKR - Both Together during the Murder and BDA - Location Unclear
Moleland :handshake: Apprentice - Both Together during the Motive and BDA - Warehouse

Sulit - Alone - Claims to have walked past Universal when going to the A/V Room. Has a lot of evidence piled against them.
Universal - Alone - Claims to have spotted Sulit walking by West Commons. Has absolutely no evidence piled against them.

KyoDaz - ded lol

There’s no such thing as info lynch
I was feeding Dat during this trial a little bit to see where’d they go with it

library/out front of library as it kicked us out

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In a game that is designed about Investigations.

I can’t 100% confirm mole btw as he claims to have been hiding there. So it is remotely possible that he had an ability to spy on me from a distance and commit the murder. Seems unlikely though