[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

is that bad? why is trying to see other worlds bad

Sorry, I was away due to having to moderate some servers, whats up?

I’ve only just ntoiced this btw lol.


that’s fucking stupid

I kinda want to just bonk sulit and just talk about cats for the other 46.5 hours

Dat will ask the questions since he wants to think it’s you.

this is a fair point
I’ll be honest

like Wazza i just dont like how u treated me, i dont care if the world is less plausible, theres no reason to be a jerk. I was just trying to solve, even if I already know a lot point s in the sulit world and I agree with that was just trying to think out of the box thats it

again not needed with the sass

Okay well there’s no reason to frustrate me by ignoring my points against what you’re saying. I contradicted what you said and the next thing you say is exactly the same thing. It pisses me off when you blatantly ignore what I’m trying to say to you.

So, I’m sorry for being a dick, I just get annoyed by things easily. You’re still epic in my eyes.

…fine. This is now acceptable.
Kinda wished you would’ve said this before the whole shenanigans though.

So dat, do you have any questions for me?

The sass was not needed, but some people (like us) can’t help but to. It’s a personality thing. It ain’t pretty, but it’s not as if we can choose to be pretty.

like if we’re wrong all I gotta do is kill someone instead of risking the loss right

I wasn’t trying I was just trying to share another pov

and I apologize as well, I just was trying to theorize ya know

i was never against the sulit world, I was just trying to see if there were any other situations ask App, i legitmately thought someone could use his molotov to start the burn hence why the ashes got there originally

Uni first can u repeat the times and plkaces you saw sulit

Ok so here is what I saw:

Sulit is heading to the West Commons Area

Sulit is heading to the Cafeteria from the West Commons Area.

Sulit is heading to the West Commons Area from the Cafeteria.

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I’d like but I’m out of likes.

now which one, was the time u got said hi to by sulit