[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

What’s being tired

This post was made by the ‘fucking stuck in one room all phase gang’

The broken legs were caused due to a fall according to the Monokuma file, and despite having 0 AP, I doubt Alice would’ve let Kyo die without giving him a chance to fight back.

Ah, okay. In that case all is good.

broken legs are still broken legs

And how exactly did Kyo get those broken legs?

their legs got turned to butter by sulit’s secret passive, on a roll

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ur mom is the ultimate hoe

alice please come back I want to lure vulgard to the pool where I suffocate him underwater and then leave the body in the pool to bloat and become difficult to perform autopsies on

I mean

I want to be able to eat

you fool
i already anticipated you would do this and have pre-queued to stalk you to the pool where i drown you and have vulgard cover everything up as my accomplice

i mean
i need to rest

…guys, go to sleep. Breakfast won’t come for about six to eight hours. Let’s wait until then.

(This game is way more fast-paced than I expected, I really struggle to keep up. Maybe that makes me an easier target.

Muwdew me Mawshaw, Uwu.)

@Vulgard, let’s whisper please.

While I think that Kyo might have been killed in that fashion, there is no doubt that Uni (the one who solidified sulit’s death) is also one of the few people who doesn’t exactly keep up with the game.

The moral of the story is: You are doing fine.

The real moral of the story is: Someone should be keeping out watch on the main hallway (i.e. stand in front of the Cafeteria) and West Commons so they can catch any Blackened travelling from the northern half to the southern half of the map.


We only need people to stay on these four places, and we will be able to capture the next Blackened in no time. We can ignore the South Commons if we lack volunteers, since you can see less rooms from that Commons. We can even change shifts so everyone can explore stuff on their own.

If Dat could scream to Wazza all the way from West Commons to the Garbage Disposal Room, then people shouting over information from all three Commons to relay information should also be possible.

The last thing we should be worried about if we use this system is the mastermind, but since the mastermind cannot become the Blackened, we should be fine for the most part.

P.S. I notice this after writing everything, but I don’t know if the person at North Commons will be able to see whether someone from the Dojo visits the Garbage Disposal Room or not. If not, then that person might have to stake out at the hallway north from the North Commons instead of North Commons itself.

I volunteer if no one else wants to

–oh! @Universal, I need to whisper to you as well.

I kind of want to explore, but yeah I would be willing. I think we should also go in pairs because if we don’t someone could just murder us

That… would require six (6) people for the stakeout though, and that is even if we ignore the Southern Commons. While we do have fourteen (14) players at the moment, I doubt that there will be enough volunteers. Even if we have enough volunteers, that would mean that there are only eight (8) players who can explore (whatever is not explored yet of) the school.