[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Me too. Anyway who tf has been going around destroying stuff in a rampage?

uhhh I mean I broke a lot of things:

  1. locked off area in Library
  2. locked desk in A/V Room
  3. test tube in Biology Lab

I think Alice got sick of me trying to break stuff cuz she snapped my bat last time I tried to open something locked

I’m gonna give Geyde like 5 more minutes to scream for me before I just yeet off

Oh, so that was you?


  1. Locker Room lockers are knocked over.
  2. The pool was drained.
  3. Biology Lab lights are broken

Probably other stuff I haven’t explored everything yet.

also the whole place has had changes after the trial so some of it might be stuff done by Alice

What whole place?

You all hear a rather loud scream coming from the pool.

like there’s new items and stuff everywhere


I haven’t found anything yet lmao.

Alice hates Leon confirmed

11037, you mean.

anyway I’m out don’t be here in 24h


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I’m going to be here like 5 minutes after 24h just to flex on you.

I’ll pin you to the wall with my naginata fool

Cool, I’m looking forward to it.

Apprentice leaves the cafeteria.

Ok, I will be outside the cafeteria then.