[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

in the past 24? yes

DatBird leaves the cafeteria.

I don’t why or how, but I got a post saying that App went to the warehouse from west commons

Then we have the man who stabbed me.

I watched him pass by me also, I think I should add.

@Apprentice Why did you attempt to kill me.

I did go to warehouse today

Then why did you leave that place out?

it was just before all this shit went down

What were you doing in the A/V Room that took you nearly a whole hour before you moved?

because it was before the A/V room

waiting for Alice to process my action

…well ****, so much for “that person’s” ability.

I’ll pull up earlier timestamps hol up

Apprentince went from West Commons to Warehouse at 6:21 pm. He went back to West Commons

yes I went from A/V>Warehouse>immediately back to A/V at that time so you should’ve seen me go both directions

I was grabbing a dumbbell to use for smashing things open since my bat broke and I wanted into a desk

Why? Unknown.
How? West Commons > North Commons > Warehouse
Uni, what’s the timestamp when App went to the Warehouse?

it’s the time when I put that I entered A/V room at the top of my list since he’s in EST

It just says Apprentince went to Warehouse from West Commons and back to West Commons at 6:21 pm

So almost 2 hours ago