[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

we had a discussion that you don’t get to know about
he already knew my identity and he made sure i knew that he knew
then i said a few demoralizing things and left

That’s horrible reasoning. Just assuming it’s someone because of a lousy Journal is dumb.

They are in killer poe
I’m not making conclusions yet

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Most of us were in the canteen still I believe

May I ask…Where was Marshal at that time?

So you did nothing else there?

I should mention that PKR had a slice of chocolate cake and they weren’t complaining of feeling ill.
PKR can confirm this.

The cake wasn’t the poisoned thing
This is confirmed

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No it doesn’t, because Marshal misunderstood me. I clearly said that I didn’t want Italy to HAND OVER the chemicals to PKR; I want Italy to put them on a desk (which he did before I could say it) so that everyone could see whether PKR did some shenanigans with it or not.

i went to the nurse’s office looking for gloves just in case so that nobody could trace the note
met jane
immediately bailed, last thing i heard was them saying “wait, you can kill me” or something like that like they wanted me to paint the walls with fresh blood
decided to just go to the rec room
met zone

Can’t find it.

I’m going to lolclear gorta because they haven’t been active enough to pull something like this off

What was Zone doing as you entered

jane in the nurse’s office why did you specifically point out the possibility that i could murder you

I am going full big brain

searching the room

(Is this really the reasoning we’re using now?)

Found the note at the Laundry Room. Not scared after understanding the situation though.


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(Maybe it’s more simple than we think?)