[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

(Look at the announcement that, assumedly the mastermind made before the trial.

Didn’t people say Monokuma maid that announcement?

Some spicy info I imagine?

(There are quite a few… errors in it. I think that we can rule out people who are native english speakers and almost never make typos.

I mean… couldn’t they just have made errors on purpose?

(They could, but, reading it you can see it seems a bit… well, incomplete. I think that it is due to a language barrier. Whoever made it still is able to communicate well here, I mean, we all can understand each other after all. However, it is just a small snippet I saw when I was making the timings for the end of trial and the vote lock.

I don’t think it means anything tbh.

(Eh, possibly. Just thought to say it jic

(This is an advanced-level clear.)

(Thank you?

Suppose we entertain this possibility, who would you say this incriminates/clears?

(I have like… no idea. But if someone pays more attention than me it could be useful to them.

Because PKR checked Marshal for getting poisoned after App returned to the Cafeteria.
App returned to the Cafeteria while I was still in the Rec Room with Italy.
I checked the arcade at that time, and unless App was the one who got 9500 points (I am waiting for Alice to check whether this is the case or not), then App couldn’t have played the arcade.

I don’t think the mastermind made that broadcast.
I think it’s just Alice.

(I mean, whoever it was, do know I meant literally no offence. Just trying to work stuff out

Can’t we just ask Monokuma whether or not they made the announcement?

Eh… sure. @Alice, did you write that announcement?

So let’s read ur main argument I leave the cafeteria and then head to the kitchen. The perfect time to stab marshals neck twice with a needle. Yes let’s see I have motivation to leave read below and I have motivation to go to the kitchen after to give Geyde the heads up on what me and app found.

Bud pay attention, as I’m not gonna repeat myself like I had to do for u multiple times. Me and App went to the av room right off the back as we planned right before trial and found something that the mm Cough you Cough could use to transform us all into mindless zombies that follow the MMs will. So we put it in a spot no one could get it. That’s what we did right off the bat. So yes please if ur gonna keep saying it’s me or someone might want to get the facts right first

That announcement didn’t come from me.

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I asked Alice. Catalysts and anything that causes injuries count as evidence.
In other words, the needle that was used to injure Marshal couldn’t be dropped farther than one room adjacent from the room where Marshal was murdered.

…hey, if Marshal got poisoned at the Cafeteria and died in his dorm, where was he murdered?