[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Wazza leaves the cafeteria.

Mmn… I guess I will inform him.

Zone leaves the cafeteria.

Is there any way I could properly spectate this?

hi burrito!!!


Marshal leaves the cafeteria.

So Wazza and Zone, find anything?

Might as well do some investigation rather than be lazy.
I’ll see you back at the Cafeteria.

i don’t like how everyone’s got me pegged as some kind of serial killer who should probably be alone at all times simply because he’d murder anyone near him for fun
don’t get me wrong, it’s totally true
but i at least want it to be some kind of surprise

I don’t remember saying that about you, though do you think they have a point there?

i have been noted to probably be most likely to kill and most likely to get away with it
and also to probably murder you just for fun

and it’s all true but where’s the surprise if they already know

It’s probably a coincidence that people thought you were a bad guy after this post.
Then again maybe not.

he repurposed my cat picture

he must perish

Geez dying over cat pictures bruh.

some people probably already suspected me to be a serial killer before the game started

of all the hills we would die on
cat pictures are the only ones that truly matter around here

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There’s no harm in lolcatting here.

(So far I have been predicted as Chapter 3 Victim 1, Chapter 5 Victim… and someone who will not kill but will die. If “Jinxing” luck is a thing here, I am doomed lmao)

“So… you keep leaving and coming back to look at the bathrooms and dorms. Save your energy, it seems we have many conveniences at our disposal and we will be able to explore them in due course.”

// 418 posts???
I’ll start playing soon.

Yui looks around, initially quite frightened, but she manages to calm herself down over time. Cold sweat turns into “only” a pale face, and she holds one of her arms with another to prevent it from shaking. “Um… we should all look around. I don’t know why… why this is happening, but we should at least learn what’s around…”

“…By the way, who are you guys?” Yui looks at everyone around her, partly curious, and partly suspicious. This girl is clearly not accustomed to meeting so many strangers at once, especially in a… killing game like this? “Hey, why are you coming and going already?!” The girl would like to go as well, but she is evidently somewhat scared of being anywhere alone. This place does not sound like a location where you would like to be alone at all.

(Open to teaming with anyone for an investigation. People have already been walking around a lot, so there’s probably no one left who hasn’t done anything, but my offer will stand for a while.)