[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

hold up this is actually gamer info as heck. I just checked Marshal’s journal and he was in his room at 2020-07-27T22:08:00Z

I will say this: If Mole is the mastermind, there’s a good chance he knows of the secret passageway. I asked Alice, and she said that the mastermind and Monokuma share a connection

Marhsal as in his dorm the entire time after heading there. He briefly returned to the cafeteria to aid Wazza. But other than that he was in the dorm for the whole time based on his notes and what he said in the cafeteria

This means that Marshal went from Cafeteria>Chem Lab>Rec Room>Dorm>Cafeteria>dorm

He must have been injected within 1 room of the Chem Lab

(Aka the South Commons… that is the only one unless there is the secret passage there. Nowhere else is within 1 room of there.

Marshal only had 2 messages after returning and it was clearly just to help Wazza and he went straight back to his dorm. The only time Marshal was anywhere near the Chem Lab was either

  1. in transit
  2. when he actually went there

So unless someone injected Marshal while he was traveling, it must be someone from the Chem Lab

I am still wandering as to WHY he didn’t feel anything. Its a needle filled with poison and another needle with accelerant.

I mean he mentioned feeling queasy after eating

(Guys stop I have the max number of likes lmao

Its not about him not feeling well, its about him not feeling a needle piercing him.

but I think I’ve proven that since syringe was found in Chem lab and the only time Marshal was within 1 room of that was when he was there in the group, someone from the group must’ve injected him right?

I’ll ask Alice, but my assumption is that things like this are hidden from the victim so the murderer can actually have a chance of getting away with it

What part of the body was he injected in?

(Unless someone can do anything invisible, that is impossible. None of us saw it. Unless I am legally blind.

(The neck. It would be really hard not to see it

You guys got this
This requires too much brain power

But what side, left side? Right side?

I’m asking Alice about how hidden stuff like that would be without abilities

I’m pretty sure you can’t see someone commit murdery thingy.

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(Furthermore I physically pinned him. Like, unless someone snuck up or I grew an extra hand, it would be impossible.