[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

i had to waste a perfectly good shirt because of marshal

I’m lazy as balls

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Zone, when did you find the Foosball compartment to be empty?

(And I had to get angry and basically make him listen to my medical professional ass because of his idiocy.


Problem is that Geyde confirmed that PKR didn’t have needle in his public slot.
–then again, if PKR is evil then the analysis of time of getting poisoned could be just fake.

…right. I swore this would happen, didn’t I?

/vote PokemonKidRyan

(I did just say he did not try and save himself. Like, unless he could not read what I had typed. Multiple. Times.

(Ahh… I knew this was coming. How lovely

(We have literally been through this. Marshal confirmed I am innocent on multiple occasions. I am not the criminal

/slaps Zone
get ur grudge out of here

I was sleeping. This game destroyed my sleep schedule because Alice lives in CST or EST.
gorta is AFK.
Dunno about others.

(Thank you. I might have to actually slap him IC next chapter as a way of saying “Do not interfere with the investigation and discussion of our findings.”

suicide trial 2 4head

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I’m sorry for waking you up. I feel awful for bothering busy people

What the hell does this even mean? I have my timelogs. I have shown this to Wazza, App, and Italy. I will NOT make it public.

I honestly can’t see alternative explanation

Then whisper it to me, so I can see where everyone was during the period Marshal was supposedly injected

(Apparently Zone can somehow see a world in which I am the blackened despite there being plenty of evidence to the contrary. Like, so much that I cannot be doubted.

@Zone_Q11 could you answer this at least?

Yep. Slammed to the wall.