[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

So after Marshal had already died… that’s not very helpful.

(Zone, kill me chapter 3 or whenever then. Do not fucking throw the game because we need literally everyone but the person themselves voting the same person. Your “revenge” is forcing everyone to go along with your ass.

I’m honestly at this point too. I give up thinking

You did not wake me up. I woke myself up.
You don’t have power over my sleep.

(If one person forces a vote on someone else, it literally means either that person or the person forcing it can be voted. Nobody else. Do not be selfish dude.

I mean… you were the one who declared the severity of the poison. Ever heard of TMI?

(Ever heard of my fucking talent and I literally showed you exactly what was in the Chemistry Lab?!


This is a game
It doesn’t have to get personal


That’s like suspecting me because I know how many buttons a make of suit of has.

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Zone not MM

No? It’s just whoever gets most votes at EoCT.

(I thought it has to be everyone agreeing. If you are right though, then we can leave Zone to his petty games

Didn’t Geyde say that you said Marshal was killed with weak poison? If that’s true App probably isn’t Blackened.

Of course not. Remember how I said that Mole checking the Rec Room is impossible since I investigated it after Marshal’s death and didn’t encounter Mole?

Of course not, because nobody listens the person who gave up hope.

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(Also again, I literally could not have poisoned him. There are witnesses confirming where I went in the cafeteria

I can’t kill you at Chapter 3 if you escape as the Blackened now, so no.

But I went there after you left derp

The fuck does this even mean?

(Dude. I literally. Could not. Have done it. Therefore I am not the blackened. Therefore I will NOT escape.

I’m also on this list because I would be incapable of killing and I wanted to let myself die so Marshal would survive.