[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

I am with Wazza on this one.
There is always the option to mute me.

It’s rude, but it lets you think in peace.
It’s uncivil, but it doesn’t cause more chaos.

You can’t remove my power (of voting) so all you have to do… is remove my voice.

(To figure out the person who poisoned we need to look for someone who either, was in the Kitchen late last chapter or early this chapter. This should be looked from our PoE.

Marshal is in the cafeteria the entire time until he leaves with PKR.

Marshal could have found the needle in the rec room, correct?

Can you bloody help me solve this trial

My saucer has gone haywire

…Remind me again where was the syringe?

(Actually, to clarify on this exact point, we need to confirm who the last person to get food was before chapter 1 end.

there was 1-2 minutes where marshal was free to get the syringe

That is, if he can even find one.

(And after I left, since he was left by himself before he returned to his dorm but sadly I do not have exact time logs for that. I could ask Alice.

I’m trying, I just have no idea how it’s possible. Marshal is in the cafeteria the entire time until he leaves to go to the Chem Lab. He then goes to the Rec Room w/ PKR. After that he heads to his dorm. He briefly pops into the cafeteria to help out Wazza and immediately returns to his dorm. He dies in his dorm. This is all movement from Marshal afaik

(If not… then where… did it come from.

oh yeah Marshal has like 1-2 minutes alone in the rec room

Marshal also was at the scene where the needle was found. Was he ever alone in that room?

…what are you doing talking with me?
I thought “your group” has already muted me?
Do you want more anger and chaos or something?

Apologies, but I do think I should state, Marshal never left the Cafeteria like stated, but then a lot of people left the Cafeteria. Meaning, I don’t see anyway how Marshal would be able to get injected, especially in the neck without him knowing.

(I want peace Zone. Please answer my question. Let us not be at each others throats.

is this when he took the needle and then later ran back over to the chem room without anyone noticing to inject himself? that would be fucking wild

basically this. he barely moves around at all and it’s always with people or to his dorm