[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Additionally they couldn’t have gone ham with a needle on marshal because with me / dat

I see.
Who would you vote first out of the three in your PoE?

i don’t fucking know

(Just examine using your chapter 1 memories.

Thing is, I suspect you 3 equally as much.

app is my bold clear
because he easily could have let us dogpile on marshal if he was blackened

Who would you vote 1st from most suspicious to least suspicious?

Can someone repost Marshal’s Journal please? I want to examine it.


  1. Jane
  2. CRichard
  3. Marshal

The Journal of Takumi Masuda - Part one

I am writing this as the ones around me are squabbling about water bottles, and autopsies, and other things. I expected this to happen, and will hopefully find the killer in time, but for now, I want to get my bearings and write in my journal. The truth is that I could probably solve this mystery in a heartbeat if really wanted to. I know all of the classic red herrings, all of the tells that a guilty party will do. I have lived out this very scenario through my writings. But I also know that it is not worth breaking relations over. The conclusion of a story can end with the killer caught, but with the feelings and lives of those involved completely ravaged. I am not going to scream, or yell, or accuse, because the sad reality is that I will probably have killed someone, been killed myself, or falsely accused far before I have to truly worried about finding the blackened. Right now I am just planning, trying to stay out of trouble. Constantly being parked in a public space such as the cafeteria allows me to not only avoid being murdered in cold blood, but also avoid any and all suspicion that I could be the blackened. I will recount my trial experience once this has ended and we know who the culprit was. For now, journal, I must say farewell.

The Journal of Takumi Masuda - Part Two

At long last, the trial is over, and the blackened has been found and killed. This is good. It gives me more time to plan, and to scheme, and to forge long-lasting alliances. I thought about seeking out italy as a partner but he is just far too dangerous for me to ever trust. On the first night, we both traveled to the chemistry lab in search of deadly chemicals. He openly admitted to searching for things to kill people with. I would ally with a like-minded individual but I fear he would betray me very quickly. I do not trust ones like CRichard, and Moleland, and Apprentice, Vulgard, and Gorta. All of those people have frightened me and I do not know if I can trust them. Zone seems like a loyal ally, and his talents make him somebody who is important to gain the favor of, but I fear he is too unstable for me to trust. I am going to go out in search of items, and in search of evidence that can lead to my stories being even better. I might end up being a survivor, despite my murderous tendencies, as long as I do not die myself. I like writing these stories, telling my tale, and after all, I am solving mystery after mystery. It’s a cold and rushing feeling, seeing a murderer put to death. The bloody gruesomeness of the execution combined with the sense of satisfaction knowing that you brought justice to the victim creates a cold euphoria. And that is one I hope to experience again.**

The Journal of Takumi Masuda - Part Three

I am writing this from the cafeteria after my conversation with Jane. I am sick and weakened for reasons I do not fully understand, and I have little desire to explore either. I do not think I am going to pursue the path of murder. I have very little items that could actually help me do so, and I know that the evidence can be very damning like in the case of sulit. I am riding this out again, hoping to use my skills in writing Mystery Novels to catch whatever soul is driven to these gruesome acts. This prison I am in is like a series of stories, writing themselves out. I cherish the position of power I hold in writing my novels. I am the killer, the victim, the detective, the witnesses, and the jury. I am currently striving to maintain the omnipotent position I maintained there, however it is much more difficult when I cannot control the actions of those around me. I myself could fall victim to a person driven to psychopathy. After the cafeteria gets shut down. I am planning to gather a group of 3 other people who I trust and stay in my dorm. We can all confirm each other to be innocent and share stories while the outside world gets so ugly. I hope to publish these words after an eventual escape, but to do so, I would have to wait it out until the bitter end. If you are reading this, I hopefully have escaped from this twisted story, and this is only the third installment of many in a story more detailed and intricate than something any man (but not bear!) could imagine.

Write on the 4th page of my notepad

The Journal of Takumi Masuda - Part Four

Here I am, in my dorm, at approximately Today 5:08 PM . (How this notepad paper can convert timezones is beyond me :^)). I have just learned that I was poisoned, thanks to PKR. He made an attempt to save me, and find the antidote to my poison, but so far it cannot be found. He has advised me to lay down in my bed, for I could hurt myself due to the effects of my poison. I will update if I am ever healed from this sickness, but if not, this will be the final chapter to a grand mystery cut short.

What a ironic and twisted way for this story to conclude. What’s even worse is that this is such an amazing idea for a novel and I am upset with myself for not thinking of it earlier. If I were not suffering right now I would find the idea of a person with a timer on their life having to figure out how to save themselves and who was responsible before the timer runs out incredibly compelling. It is just unfortunate that I am in the victim’s position and that all I can do to save myself is lay down and hope somebody saves me. I appreciate all of you and heavily HATE my attempted killer, if they are succesful or not. I have time to stew and I will do everything in my power to find this person or guide you all to them. If I am dead and you are reading this journal, know it is not PKR. It is never PKR. PKR did everything they could to ensure I was safe and healthy. I gave PKR a sheet of paper, from me, that specifically says they are not suspicious. Zone tried to prevent the antidote from falling in to my hands. PKR, Italy, and wazza can all confirm this fact. Italy originally took all bottles from the chem lab and was the original one to meet me in the chem lab on the very first night, both of us thinking of poisoning the food. I have since denounced such murderous ways but he seems to revel in them. I suspect it was the food that was poisoned, not the cake. I was told the food tasted badly, while the cake tasted fine. It could however be because of my overeating. However, please do not at least immediately condemn Crichard. Do everything you can to find out who it was. If there is an afterlife, no matter what it is, I will do everything in my power to make theirs one of eternal damnation.

My hope is that one of the survivors, if not myself, can publish this story outside. A murder mystery written from the perspective of the victim. I want them to remember the name Takumi Masuda.

Even if I was certain I would die, I would not say “The End”. This story will go on even if I cease to live. If you are reading this, stolen from my cold, dead body, I have nothing to say but good luck. Bring me Justice

Here ya go

I… forgot. I think he made counterarguments, but I forgot about them at the moment.

The poison which is in his dorm i.e. not provable to be a different kind of venom used on Marshal
–except that PKR said it was different.


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This journal feels fake…I don’t know what it is about me but it just doesn’t seem right. There’s something odd about it, I don’t know what it is.

do i even have chapter 1 memories

You might be late in Chapter 2, but surely you can compare the Chem Lab you checked during Chapter 1? …or is this plainly impossible? I don’t know.

Marshal I mean Takumi Masuda doesn’t suggest that I’d want to kill their slot.
See? No reason I’d want their slot dead.

(ERRRR… Try to see if you do >.> If not then fuck.

I’m like 50/50 on it
I think it could reasonably be legit