[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Yeah I thought you went with Jane but then I found out it wasn’t logged at all with Jane entering the Recreation Room.

Either way, there’s your proof that Jane has had an opportunity to get the murder weapon.

Actually, he said he found four billiard balls at sulit’s dorm. Dunno why he would take one, but he might have taken it from there.

ima wait to hear what Uni had to say I thought he was clearing Jane (well fingerprints isn’t conclusive 100%) but I want to hear his thing

no prints could be explained by wiping the murder weapon

I extremely doubt this.


sulit had billiard balls in ch1 when I met her

god fucking dammit

(I like, am absolutely sure this is BS unless Sulit would waste 4 slots on that. Which I doubt.

no I checked sulit in ch1 they had billiard balls


(What the fuck…

4 white ones to be exact. I encountered her in Nurse’s Office

i cant confirm since i didnt look for anything other than the crossbow in there

They put those back, and I know they did since I went with them.

Doubt me all you want. I am just relaying messages.

guys makoto doesn’t know how to spell knife i think he’s the killer

just check the color of it

Do I seriously need to provide more proof that Jane murdered Marshal?

(I used the oisond eedl

Okay now I’m wondering if you are okay?