[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

I was actually excited because I thought we had a lead on the mastermind…

Wazza lied about knocked out eh?

Roll on

Yep we’re back to square one :frowning: .


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Flashback to Italy being a pet in Airlock.

Nah, I’m sure we already will eventually.

Specifically when the first motive drops in a few hours.

Flashback to me being predator next to the frigging day cop in Airlock

I hated Airlock.

I found it funny after I stopped being salty

Far too unbalanced it was just hngh, I just couldn’t get into wanting to actually play it.


Oof Sulit is going the Italy Pet route.

I don’t really want italy as a pet

They’d stab me in my sleep

Eh he seemed friendly enough. Then again who knows what his alternative win condition is at this stage?


This looks cute, which means it’s now my spirit animal.

that seems the opposite of kinky, damn.

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Well I wouldn’t want to share a room with a tiger any time soon.

So how long until night time?
It’s close to bed time where I am and I’d rather be in the dorms before I go to bed in real life.