[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

@DatBird I know this information from an unnamed source.

but you confirm that Jane’s fingerprints were not on the needle? like you actually know this

(Issue is, every talking source has not said it is from them. So… ya need to say more.

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I assume it’s the Ultimate Forensic Scientist

Yes. The source checked the needle and Jane’s fingers since he was the most suspicious at the beginning. It came back as negative

does this mean i became toko the moment two and a half days passed

Could this result be tampered with by wiping the weapon

jane was in the nurse’s office so they could’ve found a box of gloves
it’s what i came there for

I am asking them right now

Does that mean I became Kyoko/Shuichi when I gamesolved the first trial and am trying to gamesolve this one?

I mean did anyone not think it was sulit?

wait shit who’s mondo

can u whisper me

this is a plausible action since jane would know the classlist since CRich posted it in cafeteria

(And… Jane could just have had gloves, we have said that.

that’s also plausible

one butter wasn’t enough
we must find mondo

Okay, it’s Jane.

Last time I asked Alice a direct question that would point to the Blackened, she said she couldn’t answer.

She just said the same thing on the topic of the Billiard Balls.

you know jane
you shouldn’t just be carrying around such incriminating objects