[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Then do it. Go ahead.

(Ayyy, nice. Happy birthday to him and welcome back! In just over 4 hours we can lock our votes dude. 3.27 jic ya do not know

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have fun with that

i meant i was gonna chop their fingers off


(So, I gave rise to a monster but like… I cannot tell whether this bit is good or not lmao

It’s not.

“You make due with the cards life gives you”

you’ve given a psychopath the abilities of a serial killer and removed their restrictions

(But… we have a powerful monster who is ready to stop you from causing trouble. Which means 1 less suspect in the future which is awesome for everyone but the MM (and the Blackened

I know you have your own agenda
but the fingers

Yes, and you guys are the reason I want to cause trouble in the first place.


(Geyde wants them

I’ll figure out what that meant later

i meant it literally
make it so they can’t hold things

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we are creating a team of highly skilled individuals to solve the game and kill the mastermind

You forgot about the lynching ICs part.

your trouble is kinda cringe bro

this type of bluster makes it utterly impossible to actually listen to you

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