[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

…and of course there was nothing productive in the past 12 hours worth of 300 posts. I am not even surprised anymore at this point.

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In 2 hours we can end this.

…speaking of which, votes are locked within 2 hours. I will lock mine at App, and I don’t care what anyone else says.

Remember: If it weren’t for Geyde, this vote would’ve been directed at PKR instead.

I don’t care if you morons have your own stupid beliefs; I will stick to mine since clearly all of you suck at convincing others with clear arguments.

Since people will soon be able to lock their votes, I’ll say this to everyone aside from Italy/Wazza:

  • I was never in the Recreation Room.
  • I did not go to the Kitchen before Marshal as poisoned.
  • My fingerprints were not on the needle.

But even if you ignore all of these:

  • I could never have injected Marshal without anyone noticing.

So, I would like everyone aside from Wazza/Italy to decide for themselves whether or not they want to ignore this evidence.

If anyone would like to have a logical debate about any of these with me, please inform me.

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(Now we can start locking votes.

/Lock Vote Marshal

Does this vote have to be unanimous

If a majority lock their votes then we see the results.
I believe it does not have to be unanimous

No, it’s just Majority. Otherwise MM could just… vote an IC every time.

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Indeed. Game would be over if anyone killed lmao

Ok so smart play is to not lock votes til we get a VC @Alice when u get a chance. Then we can figure if we can have majority

Basically want everyone to vote before we lock any more

Well actually… maybe it’s plurality? Idk.

Tbh we have a fair few inactive people and Zone already said he wishes to lock on App.

Even if we lock our votes we need to be agreeing.
I think it has to be Marshal.
My vote is currently on Jane which is why I did not lock it.

About this vote Jane, u dont think it could be anyone else?

That’s why one we get a VC we ping the shit out of em. And one vote from Zone shouldnt affect it to much

No, I don’t think so.

Nobody was ever alone with Marshal.

Pkr one stupid question u prob have answered and one u havent

Where was the injection again

And can u whisper me cause I have a question for ya

I mean, like… everyone else is cleared or does not make sense for some reason.

The biggest point we have is Marshal did not say who injected him but Alice said he would be informed if he was injected.

  1. He was injected twice. The second time was accelerant. First, no clue.
  2. Sure