[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Ya boi is poisoned.


I did not check until recently.

And you didn’t notice that something tasted bad or had symptoms like Marshal? Do you know how long the poison lasts?

In other words, there is a 50 minute window between 2020-07-28T16:59:00Z and 2020-07-28T17:51:00Z when he could’ve gone from the A/V Room to the Rec Room… wait. App couldn’t have gotten the needle from the arcade back then, so the way Marshal was poisoned right off the bat… maybe App simply poisoned the food at the start of the Second Motive after all.

Well it couldn’t have been during trial or that would be fucked. So prob during invest phase

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Define recently.

Didn’t PKR eat CRich’s chocolate cake?

I did.

During the investigation too

I checked a few minutes before we could lock votes as I started to not feel too hot.

Did you… eat the Cafeteria food as well?
Or drink anything for that matter?

This is why we dont lock shit

Cause it might just be crich

I had some water.
Did not eat anything iirc.

From where?

I got a bottle from somewhere, I need to check.
I went back to my room to leave it off for trial because I did not feel good.
Then I went to Marshs dorm

The poisoner could be CRich, but the Blackened has to be one who injected Marshal, and that can only be Marshal.

I thought to not feeling good was because I used most of my AP and MP without rest

When was this?