[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

sweet i make chapter 2

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3 hours until we get our motive, right?

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Nope. Three hours until Daily Life starts. I don’t exactly know when the mastermind can give motives though.

Anytime during chapter 1. I guess it doesnt have to be immediately

Geyde arrives at the cafeteria.

Motives should be directly after, perhaps asking in classcards would be a good idea.


I am seeing this list, and… I am starting to regret my life decisions. Good thing only two people pay attention to flavor though, because… I really don’t want to start a skirmish.

I literally already said you’ll survive 100% smh

Marshal returns to the Cafeteria.

I wasn’t talking about in-game physical security…


hi zone

imma follow u when I get the chance

Well… the stuff I am worried about should only happen in fiction and bad places. …yeah. I am probably worried for nothing.

Alright. That should be within two to three hours.

DatBird and Apprentice arrive at the cafeteria.


yeah usually the killer on the right most

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so 3 more hours… im bored i had all the fun u can within 3 different spots now im bored

Ding Dong Ding Dong

am i magic

It is officially night-time.

All night-time effects are now in place and the Gym and the Library are now closed.