[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End


This kill could reasonably have happened at any time
Since it literally was a trap kill

Get fucked

wording but you get it

This is the same vibe check that cleared pkr last chapter, right?

/Whisper Geyde

Who else could’ve killed Wazza other than Jane and Wazza himself?

She already fucked us over by putting the Ultimate Serial Killer in this game. I doubt she will fuck us over twice mech-wise.

I encourage anyone to rebut these

nah we cleared PKR, because Marshal was insistent and would’ve known if he got injected. turns out Marshal was in on the kill…

I tried finding a book about solvents to see how long alcohol would remain a viable ignition source but Alice said such a book did not exist in library

who does that leave?

explain further

if we assume those people didn’t do it who is left?

Who is this too?

casting doubt on another potential mindfuck scenario will in all likelihood backfire


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Wazza didn’t kermit

Crich didn’t really leave the canteen, right?

I’ll go check cafeteria times