[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Are you talking about your character?

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That’s a burn

Anyway I can confirm Moleland was in the Laundry room.
Also Mist was in the Gym earlier today.

this seems incredibly convenient

2020-07-31T17:40:00Z - Vul left Cafeteria
2020-07-31T19:44:00Z - Zone went to the Art Room via the hidden tunnel, found Vulgard drawing manga
2020-07-31T20:26:00Z - Zone went to West Commons, used ability, found “someone” in A/V Room

–meanwhile, in the Art Room PM:
Vul, talking to himself thrice (2020-07-31T21:26:00Z, 2020-08-01T11:28:00Z, 2020-08-02T15:35:00Z), waiting for Alice’s feedback

2020-08-03T22:21:00Z - Zone went to Art Room to find Vul again, and mentioned about Wazza’s death


also no, zone, I did not check the body at all

iirc you were in the GDR when I left, and I didn’t go back to it at any point after that

It’s the truth :man_shrugging:

@Geyde when you found details of my stats, was it just mine?

I don’t disbelieve that it exists there

I do disbelieve that the mastermind would just leave something that can confirm your innocence lying around so casually

They left stuff that implicated my guilt casually too

Do you mind telling me why you didn’t kill him at that point?

…wait, is this during Deadly Life?

Uh… Did you leave before Dat and I left to my dorm? Otherwise you should’ve been there longer than us. (I don’t remember this detail quite well.)

…odd. My logs said nothing about you leaving.

If anyone wants to know my actions, they are here

Immediately I went to the F lockerroom and Dat and App showed up soon after.

App leaves about 10 minutes later and I sneaked out shortly thereafter to the pool where App had gone. He dived into the pool to retrieve an inflatable, before Dat joined him and they both went to the Gym about 10 minutes after I arrived.

Zone shows up almost instantly later and is looking for me before he swims in the pool and I creep off to the gym about 10 minutes later.

In the Gym Wazza is unconscious with a black box next to him. He had only left the canteen moments before and app and dat had disappeared. After looking around the gym for about an hour I head into the dojo, find nothing and head back within 30 minutes.

Wazza and the box are gone. I fear the worst and head to the warehouse, set my trap, then use the donuts to write a message. I then start a small oven fire to draw attention to my message. Zone appears a little later and I head off to explore the science labs, seeing no one but finding something cool in the physics lab.

At around the 24th hour of the chapter I head to the av room to set up a song for when zone shows up. I look around and find a hammer in a drawer and something.

Next thing I know, I’m trapped in a bad rollercoaster tycoon ripoff where all the guests are monokumas until the body discovery announcement.

Uh well because I’m not the murdering type.

Yeah it was earlier today.


Quite frankly I don’t remember either

I can check exactly when I left

…bloody hell. That stealth is overpowered alright.
I tried to buff myself, but apparently that was not allowed, and I was not allowed to KO someone I can’t see, even though my ability should’ve been sound-based rather than vision-based.

When did you leave?

…welp, okay then.

Do that please.

I was in the hallway between kitchen and warehouse. I waited about 30 mins for you to either backtrack or enter the canteen but got bored of waiting and moved on


I left to my dorm one hour and three minutes after I went to the GDR (I can’t figure out time tags) then went to the gym during Alice’s AFK period the next day

did you play the video mole

Won’t expand on details
I can confirm that they’re yours though

The weird al video? Ye. I put that on. I asked Alice if I could play any video and I was allowed.

Was it the same device that had the “clearing information”