[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

CRich couldn’t have done it then
Since they never went in area that could go to dorms that phase

I can think of one easy answer, but for the sake of equality and me not being a white knight, I will let Vul answer this on his own.

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That’s why I asked if anyone checked CRich’s slots during CT2, I thought I remembered someone having done that.

Outside of that, you have Vul/Jane
I think italy is pretty clear fmpov since the killing method seen here was way less reliable than just fucking killing the MM suspect in mole and telling people to inno them during the trial

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–well, it’s either Marshal’s corpse, or whatever new source of alcohol there might be.

Maybe the Nurse’s Office, but it shouldn’t be the Kitchen since… well, we (Dat, you and I) already searched that place.

Did he know we were there?

Presumably, yes.

I think you think too highly of people’s ability to read in this setup

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here’s one nugget of evidence to support that

Dunno who else did it, but I did check everyone’s inventory during CT2. Vul didn’t have anything, and… wait, I don’t have CRich’s inventory.

…welp, aside from that one issue, neither you nor Wazza had any alcohol at that time, so it must’ve been looted starting from this Chapter.

I mean it was a direct response within 3 minutes, that seems kind of hard to miss.

CH1 they were with PKR the entire time, I’m pretty sure. So if they are the Blackened, they must have found the Alcohol during CH2.


You are, Jane. I told everyone about the hidden passage, and nobody seems to talk much about it. Either they already know about it, or they didn’t read it, or they missed it “somehow”.

I already said Vul didn’t have any alcohol in CT2. So unless he stashed it in his dorm, this would be impossible.

Did you mean CH3? You know, this chapter?

i didnt know til u told me tbf


I’m trying to figure out if they could’ve done this.

If it’s not that, then your “hypothesis” is baseless.
Your “hypothesis” would’ve been more believable had you pushed him for the two hour gap, but…
Meh. You’ve made your choice.

I think it’s at the very least unlikely that they did it in that two hour gap.



Vulgard arrives in Marshal’s Dorm.

Now I need to figure out if they could’ve gotten Alcohol and stashed it in their dorm during this period.

Hm… maybe. I can’t verify Vul’s innocence based off this evidence, since I checked Marshal’s dorm for items at 2020-07-28T15:30:00Z and only found his journal.