[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Because those “motives” only makes sense in a world where you’re the Mastermind.


is there any actual downside to letting the blackened win and voting mastermind suspects

The Blackened escapes. There’s no real downside for the living players.

They make sense in a world where a Mastermind needs me removed too. Like I’m their Kyoko to their Junko.

Apart from being wrong and losing this trial means the mastermind wins possibly

But that world doesn’t make any sense

  • You’re the top Mastermind suspect, Mastermind wouldn’t want you gone.
  • You say you’d be able to find clues but anyone could find those, especially Italy.

Mastermind just has no reason to want you gone, and you’re using those “motives” to clear yourself of being Mastermind.

ohhhhh that wincon wording is weird

so it’s weighing mastermind odds of Mole against blackened odds of Jane

I think they’re both pretty close to lock ngl

Italy isn’t stable enough to not murder someone before endgame.

No, that’s bullshit. Italy doesn’t have to kill.

these are bold accusations

The only reason he didn’t last chapter is because he rampaged in empty rooms

It’s Italy.

Alice wouldn’t include something like that in a setup and it’s an obvious bluff.

somebody absolutely would’ve died and even with the knowledge that me leaving a room unannounced is a sign of death it’s hard to avoid

you poor fool
you don’t even have a clue what i’m capable of

Sure. I’m calling your bluff.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.

proving you wrong involves your mutilated corpse

Go ahead. Where will we meet?

we’ve tracked Mole enough that I doubt he did it, he was just hiding for the whole chapter

See, pointing fingers at someone who you know didn’t commit the crime is also the action of a potential mastermind.

Like I found that Journal… Journal… Like something an Ultimate Journalist might keep, right?

you can just walk into any room
if it has the deranged bloodthirsty psychopath there’s most likely a knife in your head already

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