[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

oh screw off with this notion, we all know ur him stop with the bluff. U did it cause u knew i couldnt find u.

@Geyde im prob here for like rest of day. If u want to discuss motives

Do we actually have any hard evidence that points at anyone besides Jane?

We don’t have any hard evidence that points at anyone.

I mean, you’re the last incinerator user before Wazza, so it could just be a case of “Jane tested her trap with a small amount of alcohol, it appeared to work, so she set it up with a lot more and waited.”

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But that would also make you a completely obvious killer.

Then why would I wait that long to set it up again?

The problem is that it’s a really easy frame. As long as you check the incinerator logs, you can figure out that Jane was the last user. You just gotta set it up without turning on the incinerator and boom, you have someone framed.

I guess it boils down to “who could’ve picked up the alcohol and gone to the garbage disposal room to set it up?” I guess we should eliminate people for both possibilities?

If there even are any people we could eliminate. I seriously doubt Mole did it based on the fact he has an elaborate alibi as well as the fact he was literally the target of the motive. Committing a murder = putting himself at risk. I think.

Or maybe he did it because the motive was against him, so he had to make sure nobody else would kill him first? But he had no way of knowing when the trap would be sprung, unless he lured Wazza to the incinerator.

If Mole was the Blackened (They’re the Mastermind, but whatever) we wouldn’t even be having a CT.

I really doubt anyone has an alibi that covers the full 24 hours between the two incinerator uses (Jane -> Wazza).

But wasn’t Mole the Ultimate Tailor, not Wazza? Why do you say that?

If Mole was the Blackened, they’d already have graduated.

Wait. I’m dumb.

I misremembered and thought it said “The Ultimate Tailor can kill within 12 hours and be free without a Trial”.

…When was this? (Relative to the time of Wazza’s death.)

19 minutes, I misremembered.

Then I really doubt Mole did it. The correct play for him would be to wait for 12 hours and then kill.
Not sure why he’s getting voted with that in mind.

Because the counter doesn’t go up if we vote the Mastermind.