[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

I even said this earlier. The trap (yours) didn’t do what I expected - and the reason was it wasn’t the one I set.

How do I blackmail you into voting Moleland?

I don’t think Mole did it

Well, duh. They’re the Mastermind.

Totally not a suspicious person guys

I am unconvinced of this as of the present


Give me like 15 minutes, I’ll gather all the evidence against them.

like the evidence is basically “they have high stats” and they were bountied this last cycle which is a bad argument imo.

the high stats seems pretty unfair that one ability could find the mastermind effortlessly

the bounty is +EV for the mastermind regardless of who they are. if mole is the mastermind he distracts people from hunting for info, while they try to kill him instead. if mole is not the mastermind then he has to hide to avoid death and people are distracted hunting for him

There’s more evidence than that.

They claim to only have 1 ability, when it’s confirmed everyone has 4.

They’re so stealthy that even Italy and Zone can’t find them when they’re in the same room.

They lied about setting up my Plaster Mix trap for no reason.

The “motives” were very EV- for any Mastermind other than Mole, and Mole is trying to use them to clear themself.

There were 1 or 2 more things but I can’t find them anymore.

My one ability gives me more abilities. I could literally have had 7 by the final trial if I wanted. I’d be broken with 4 starting abilities

I did not lie. I was mistaken. I assumed your trap was mine but even before I knew my mistake I commented that it failed it’s purpose

App has the correct point about the motive. The mastermind wants people to commit murder. He doesn’t want people to keep tabs on eachother

Oh, right

They claim that their sole wincon is defeating the Mastermind in the Final Trial and that they cannot become the Blackened.

I mean, how much more proof do you need?

That… Literally means nothing? Lol

How does that mean nothing? It’s obviously a bullshit wincon.


Yes, but yours is obviously made up.

Where’s your proof? You saying that I have to defeat despair is a bs wincon, in a DR themed game?

  • Literally everyone (aside from you, the Mastermind) already has that win condition.
  • You can only have additional win conditions, not removing one or restricting it.
  • You instantly lose the game if you’re murdered in any of the trials. The whole point of this game is to kill someone before they can kill you.
  • Why would the Mastermind even be able to give someone who can’t kill a motive that makes them graduate if they kill?

But they can win by other means too, afaik. I had a theory when I saw other people were describing my stats that I’m meant to be ‘ultimate hope’ or something

Mine is different. I can’t win as a blackened. My wincon tells me this.

I have high luck stat etc and the first thing I did was give myself a hide ability. Lol.

It wasn’t a motive for me, it was a motive for you.
