[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

yeah it became less about clues to the case and more who was afk/group cleared

which group clearing is fine to an extent

@Alice ty so much, i really enjoyed it

alice you can’t just do that

my forums froze for a solid 40 seconds trying to open that thing


game was fun

im not happy about the circumstances surrounding my death but besides that I think it was a fun game

I spoilered it.

Your fault for opening it :^)

I love it

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I’m glad no one followed Zone’s advice of having three pairs of people standing in every relevant point because that would just suck all the fun out of the game.


I tried to open in, lagged.
Thought maybe something weird was happening so kept refreshing and tried to open it >.>

@sulit help

I still am so sorry. Aaaah

its just a bunch of butter emoji

Also @Moleland sorry if i ever got heated at you, but the role itself was a little to sus, and most thing ya did were sus. Still dont know how i didnt kill you in the locker room, but my plan today was straight up shoot ya in the cafeteria and then shoot myself, which would be a free point towards the good side

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you aren’t to blame! You were like… the highlight of the game u shouldn’t feel bad

pkr u had some massive balls for that play, but the poison on urself was what had me second guessing, wouldnt pull that gain next time

gimme a second :eyes:

Tbh, I didn’t imagine that Mole would just claim to have permanent invisbility.

That’s like stupidly broken and I’d never let a participant do this.

how did he escape the locker room?

Invisibility. He literally had a camo suit that let him move through rooms without being noticed while being able to watch everything that happens in the room.

I did want to like try and open wolf as much as I could, see what I could get away with.
I felt no real pressure beforehand so I was playing around.

What I said was true though. About the fact that someone can be poisoned during the trial, they just do not die until after.

So if Wazza had died and Marshal had survived to the investigation, Marshal would either have been dead come chap 3 start or Marshal would have to self heal.