[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Both were to be used in a socket and it’d open a box where you’d get a file on Geyde’s character.

Which means “awaken” in Japanese.

i had an absolutely gamer method to killing
i was going to kill someone with my knife, use another knife to make it appear like the murder weapon, throw that knife in a washing machine (listen it’s murder, it doesn’t really matter how you do it and the incinerator would be way too obvious)
then if anyone suspected me i would just point out that i had a better weapon that wouldn’t get any blood on me

the stats thing seemed too obvious. but perma-invis and other stuff was too OP so I was kind of torn

the only time I actually considered killing was when I met mole at the very start of the game in the warehouse since no one knew where anyone was. I had a bonus to killing with my bare hands so I could’ve just suffocated him and bolted

but Mole was Mastermind

imagine if I kept trying to kill Mole and failed at start of game LMAO

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this aged well


My role strength was good

My role information was horrible

Lol yeah. The game was really good but I had no info on anyone and no camara system to observe anyone. It was near impossible for me to not be blind sided

Maybe but I was had no way of manipulating much

tbh I think you kinda just had to play it like a normal student without the ability to commit murder. Did you have extra info on any of us?

i’m just wondering
why did you hide in the AV room instead of going to your dorm

Tbf I didn’t. I claimed I could hide

I got stuck in a virtual world

by the way mole
i knew your exact role because it was the draft of mine and i had to spend the entire game pretending i didn’t know because it was angleshooting :upside_down_face:

Oh boi lol.

I think for next time we need to find some way for the mastermind to… not have so much info stacked against them so fast.

When I found the CD or DVD (Which was accessible to anyone without needing to solve a puzzle) I basically learned that Mole was a high suspect due to the role.

That’s the thing. You guys had so much info on me and I had nothing.

Junko and tsumigi knew their participants inside and out. I knew nothing

the rolecard alice gave me at the start of the game
aka the draft of my character