[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Chapter 2 was badass
Good on you PKR

I could’ve had it



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That’s the skill the role should have.

Have all the info, but act like you don’t.

I think you should not have gotten full rolecards.
Maybe know the full roster and who was what.
But have an ability to investigate an ability or certain stat(s) of characters.

At least 90% though.

Or at least, I should know who my biggeat threats are

For a MM to win a 1 vs 15 it is better to have too much info than not enough.

And had none.

I didn’t even know where the secret passageway was.

That’s another feature I’m planning on implementing on the next game. Each quicktopic will have a dummy alt account in it that can be accessed by the MM, which means that the MM will be able to watch what’s happening in every room.


Probably the Chapter 2 Trial.

It really felt like a legit DR trial while Chapter 1 was basically just “lol vote sulit or looser.”


That would be good.

The lack of easily obtained info gave me no chance lol

Also, favourite moment for me

Even though moles aren’t rodents


Wactched this on and off was entresting would 100% play a round two if/when it is

I didn’t even have my rolecard so that would’ve been a good meme

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Marshal I am so sorry ;-;

uni why are you sorry

you did great ily

I feel horrible if I am being honest

But you died and the killer got away

After Sulit was discovered, I began to feel bad as the game progressed. By the end I was just going to stand as a camera in the hallway

…huh, so I was wrong in the end.
…nothing I can do except apologize to @Wazza, huh?

Zone, thank you for winning us the game. I was useless ;-;

bully alice into revealing all execution flavor