[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

You didn’t have to. I already wanted mole dead ever since the start of Chapter 3.

Marshal: Attempted suicide in Chapter 2
Wazza: Attempted suicide in Chapter 2
App: Assuming people committed suicide is foolish


Marshal it was his wincon. Wazza didn’t attempt suicide, he just stabbed himself to stir things up

And this is not an attempt to suicide because…?

is it bad that one of the first things i thought was “can i hinder other people’s actions permanently by mutilating them in ways such as removing body parts”

I mean he was never going to die from it

no this was like the first thing I thought of in prologue

yeah but i actually had like
a knife
i could chop off people’s fingers one by one until they couldn’t grab things anymore

I had a lot of strength. I could just pound their head until they were too brain damaged to function

apprentice making a joke, remembering i’m the USK and quickediting it to make it look as non offensive as possible is still extremely funny

but oh yeah thnx @Geyde and @Apprentice for being a cool squad, even though app supposedly was gonna frame a murder on me and tried to rob me

I never tried to frame a murder on you idk what that was about. I was only going to go for motive instant wins after CH1 tbh. The robbing thing really was a meme

Also in case anyone was wondering my abilities:

  1. I have an easier time knocking others unconscious and I receive a bonus when attempting to murder with my bare hands

  2. I can not be knocked unconscious

  3. I can not be killed by asphyxiation

  4. I have bonus AP/MP

i am tempted to test this theory

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this guy could just

sit at the bottom of the pool for 5 hours


asphyxiation is a lack of oxygen
your lungs filling with water is a completely different problem


but he could tape his mouth shut

and them


win life


technically that would suffocate him

italy when did you start using science

i just

want to meme

the moment i became a serial killer i knew the only answer was to very meticulously plan out every single detail of murder
no matter what