[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End



Good luck all, try not to die.

Wazza leaves the cafeteria.

Well that seems… not very useful. I was hoping for something I could defend myself with. Do you want it?

lots of these chests

imagine having a chest

and not a trumpet

hahahahahaha FOOLS

Sure I’ll take it

Quite useful if you ask me


Well yes, but not for self-defense.

Sulit leaves the cafeteria.

Well, I suppose I’ll also go exploring again then.

Jane enters the kitchen.

Jane enters the cafeteria.

Zone enters the cafeteria.

I have found another locked chest. In… a very odd place. I may or may not require someone else to open it because I still do not have a key.

@Jane, do you still have the key sulit gave you?
@Universal, when will you come out of your dorm and play?
@Wazza and @sulit, what the heck are you two doing in your own dorms?

As for the others: Dat, Geyde and App are in the Library. We are still investigating stuff there.

No, I gave it back.

Oh bloody hell, I will have to ask sulit about it then because I found one in the Music Room (as Marshal said) and Dat also found one in another room. (I won’t tell where it is yet, since he is insistent on being present there so he can gloat about it.)

Also @Wazza, how the heck did you know that the Dojo specifically had a weapon in a chest?

Wazza enters the cafeteria.

Regaining MP/AP? I don’t want to collapse.

All the chests have had weapons in so far.