[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Well, I can confirm that my talent is one of those. I also know the talent of another player, which is also in that list.

Oh ok. So do you plan to claim your talent now?

  1. Dude. Why would you give the mastermind the claimlist?
  2. I have to work until 9 instead of 6, so expect less activity from me.
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I will not claim my talent, no.

Alright then.

Oh yeah you’re busy.
Thing is the Mastermind has an information advantage already and we have tip the scales in favor of us to try to find who the Mastermind is.

Jane briefly goes to the kitchen and then returns to the cafeteria.

Zone leaves the cafeteria.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

It is officially night-time.

All night-time effects are now in place and the Gym and the Library are now closed.

Sulit leaves the cafeteria.

CRich leaves the cafeteria.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

Monokuma appears and makes an announcement.

“Since none of you have yet to murder anyone, here’s an additional part to the motive. All dorm rooms are locked and nobody can stay there during night time. Everyone who were in their dorm has now been ejected to outside the hallway.”

In addition, since the AP/MP cannot be recovered then at 0 AP/MP you will just have less chance to succesfully complete tasks, or be more vulnerable to kills.


A pile of garbage has accumulated in the kitchen from the sheer amount of food consumed. Until it is taken to the Garbage Disposal Room and incinerated the cafeteria will not give any restorative bonuses.

Welp, I guess I’ll go take care of that.

Jane takes the trash and exits the cafeteria.

Ding Dong Dong Ding

A body has been discovered. Please come to the Garbage Disposal Room at once.

After twenty four hours have passed, the class trial will begin.