[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

what is the murder weapon then


wazza are you okay

Akari bursts into laughter at this comment.

No seriously. I know it killed them because it’s my ability.

Wait, there’s a murder weapon? I thought PKR said no weapon was used.

… What if there’s been two murders?

anyway I do have reasons that I would really like to see the file Jane

so you’re saying a crossbow bolt put kyo into shock

“And I know it did not because of MY ability.”

What the fuck are you on about?

I’m literally informed what weapons were used during a murder. Not to mention we literally found it in the hallway.

Sure. It is quite interesting™.

you have no idea how little that ability narrows it down
by your wording it says nothing about having to actually inflict physical damage
just that it has to be used

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…and we have a reason to find more evidence. Thanks Wazza

“I am the Ultimate Physician. I performed an autopsy. Read the Monokuma File, sir. Your claim is inconsistent with the most basic of facts.”

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I assume things are still being run the same way w/ Alice gone for whispers?

killer fires off crossbow, misses, proceeds to panic and kills kyo by forcing them into the incinerator


@DatBird if you and Geyde aren’t up to anything else then get back here so we can discuss

Wouldn’t there have been an arrow or something then?

they “used” the crossbow in that scenario
and yet there wouldn’t be a wound

there was an activated incinerator right there in the room jane

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