[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

so there was an error with how Alice interpreted my action at one point in that sequence, but I did go from the A/V room>rec room after that

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i dont think there was a struggle, but if ur information is to be beleived a player got a crossbow from the student desk

I kind of don’t want to show it to too many people tbh.

I watched you go to the A/V Room, me and Dat both did.

There is no need to spread files, mainly due to the mm being able to use them, i wouldnt share it with everyone

i’m honestly just curious about it

Apprentice briefly leaves the cafeteria and then returns.

when has this ever been said anywhere :eyes:

I was told I passed by you during the point where Alice misinterpreted my action

Welp, too bad. I don’t want whoever I have the file on to found out I have a file on them.

you, Dat and Italy

this makes me think you have a file on me

I then actually went to A/V room like 30 mins later


The bolt’s point was facing the incinerator so it was shot inwards towards the incinerator or outside but still in that direction

fr though Dat it would’ve been big brain to hide my molotov and then kill someone in the incinerator with it

anyway I’m showing it to you

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thats what i thought, so i was like as long as u have it i can prob cut u from poe in my head

Moleland returns to the cafeteria.

I never would’ve told you I had a molotov in that case