[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

I mean I don’t think they help you defend yourself from murder

I don’t wanna skip yet :frowning:

Well, alright then.

i do want to give geyde his time, he had some ideas

i’m like

65% sure it’s crich

I really don’t think uni would do this, ever.

I know uni’s claim and it isnt engineer

I think my chocolate theory checks out


Okay, does anyone have any idea how to solve this?

You tried Deca, right?

yeah, it failed

it needs to be a word

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did the thing say mm/dd/yy on it

or was it just

the numbers

did you try year
also deca is a word
it means ten

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Me rn

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App one thing about ur puzzle, can u resend the dates, as ur doing one thing wrong

it said mm/dd/yy

mfw pkr did you actually finish off a bottle just because of this

what do you mean? I just posted the exact clue I was given

That moment when games make you drink


give me some

deca is a prefix reeeeeeeeeeee

the dates repost em please

(I am still drinking it but I already finished off half because of this, I likely will finish the whole thing

it’s still half full nevermind