[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

…I was in the Cafeteria?

Uhh I don’t think so

Imma brb tho gonna take a shower

Which is an instant-confirm.

Will the Forensic Scientist (or PKR) please stand up

not nessicarly, as one there could be a scret exit, and two mod errors

PKR has an alibi.

no for something else

No because you can ask Alice lol

not related to trial

I know who it is

and I know that there is nothing very important from them.

unless you mean steve

I was one of the few said to be in the Cafeteria during the time of the murder.

If it wasn’t fired then why is it important

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It’s the fact Sulit had it and the fact it’s in the hallway shows that Sulit has been to the West Commons hallway today since it wasn’t there Yesterday.

yes I want them to help with steve

but what if someone framed her

To either establish innocence or guilt based on which weapon was used in the murder.

Dude, how would someone know to frame Sulit?

someone who knew she ha d a crossbow, took one and left it by scene of the crime

dude, you’re stupid.

The Crossbow Bolt specifically came from the Crossbow found in the A/V Room.

To be more precise, Sulit’s Crossbow.