[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

I checked the warehouse earlier
I’m pretty sure I would have spotted a camera

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thats fine and all, but other people were out at this Tim, too, as much as u dont want to say it, a uni world is possible

A Uni World is indeed possible, that’s not what I’m denying.

What I’m saying is that Crossbow Bolt 100% came from Sulit today.

…outside Library could be south from West Commons.
Probably the reason why Uni didn’t see you two.

it totes could have and im not saying it didnt, but the thing is it could also be a frame, thats my only thing and I dont want to jump to conclusions like I feel u are

In any case, we go with Sulit 1st in any world here.
If Datbird’s decidedly hard to believe scenario is possible, then Uni looks shady.
As of now we start with Sulit.


Universal has absolutely nothing in their inventory.

“first” we only get one shot haha

If they stole anything from Sulit, they’d still have something due to dorms being y’know, locked

like to me theres no reason to jump to conclusions until i hear everything from both suspects

dorms were unlocked after BDA or whatever you call it

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the frame world is technically possible, given the chaos of everyone being ejected
that world is very unlikely given that Uni doesn’t really have what it takes to do this frame job

Only person that could realistically do a frame job is MM!wazza worlds with Blackened!Uni given that you’ve had such a close eye on them with all that info
Given how you’re pushing this (all in telling everyone to stfu) only adds to that
I don’t bet in that world personally

ok and the murder had no weaponry use so?

Mainly given that Uni being blackened doesn’t strike me as plausible

man executions are a lot more fun w/ only one scum to look for

That’s ridiculous. When the trial is 95% over before it even started, why would you even wait for the other suspect, other than the fact that we have to wait until 36 hours have passed?!

I’m using god damn logic, Dat. I’m not saying for certain it is but there is a 99% chance it’s Sulit and there’s a 1% chance it’s anyone else

He never returned to his dorm though otherwise we would know.

Yeah, this is a realistic world. Only I knew that Sulit knew KyoDaz’s location.
But there’s an issue and that’s the fact that there can’t be an accomplice (I know you’re saying MM but I’m going to change this to accomplice so I can make a point real quick).

An accomplice would kill another person also.
thanks for coming to my tedtalk.

zone theres no reason to jump to conclusions again

you cannot hide murder weapons in your dorms, even if the room is adjacent
i asked alice about this for reasons™

how do u know?