[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End


If you already have your Role PM, write “**/move to GDR**

Well then, time to see what BS Dat, App and Geyde have in store for me this time…

Note: I’ll be extremely busy today so to compensate this the Deadly Life phase will be extended by 24 hours.


Addendum: I’ve been having connectivity issues due to the hurricane season, so until this is solved I won’t be able to process actions as doing it on my phone would be too slow to be practical.

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And yes, there will be a phase extension when I’m back.


Actions will now be processed. The end of the Deadly Life phase will be in 18 hours.

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You all go to the gym and an elevator takes you to the trial grounds.



A mysterious voice makes an announcement over the PA:

Well, what can I say? This is mostly your fault, Wazza didn’t have to die! I gave you the option to just off the Ultimate Tailor, but none of you did! You seem convinced that they’re the Mastermind for… why exactly…? Well, doesn’t matter, point is: you’re wrong! About all of it! The truth continues to escape you, just like the Ultimate Physician did! Oh well, there’s a better time for this. Wouldn’t want to spoil the best phase of the entire game with my rambling! So, without any further ado:

Time for another magnificent Class Trial!
Today’s Special:

  • A fiery discussion served with distrust and despair.
  • A spicy Murder-By-Trap homicide on a web of lies.
  • The inevitable realization that you’ve failed yet another Class Trial and that your impending doom awaits you at the next one, completely draining you of whatever hope you still foolishly held onto!

Fufufu! Isn’t it wonderful!? Well, enjoy your meal to your heart’s content!

“A trial of lies.”

“A trial of truth.”

“A trial of life.”

“A trial of death.”

“A trial of hope.”

“A trial of despair.”

All rise to the class trial. You all arrive at your podiums.

You thirteen have up to 48 hours to decide on who murdered Marshal. On the last 12 hours you may choose to lock your vote. Once the majority has locked their votes then we shall see the result.

If the blackened is chosen, then they’ll be executed. If not, then they’ll live, but you all will be one mistrial closer to your executions. You may all begin.

app kinda inno ngl

I have no info
but we chillin

Dat/Italy/Uni were spending pretty much all their time searching for Mole during previous phase
Mole was hiding all phase

For them to pull the GDR thing off, they’d need to have planned pre-motive that they were going to do that, since Mole dying would have seemed by that point to be pretty easy
Suppose there is possibility Italy could just nyoom all the way to get alcohol and then nyoom all the way back to GDR

Mist pulling it off seems near impossible due to Gorta’s inactivity and the fact that Mist didn’t move enough iirc to pull it off

I want full logs from these people whispered to me


I searched the laundry room but found nothing. Did anyone search the dojo or gym?

Like I feel like a container was needed to transport the alcohol

Yeah I went to the Gym.
There is a trapdoor underneath the bleachers, though I had no flashlight.

…I already gave mine to Wazza, App, Italy and recently Dat. I wonder if I should make it public at this point.