/swap DS
DS is ded.
This game is in a literal grave now tbh
Rip game, you will be forever missed.
Pay respects
/switch director
This game must not die!
It’s dying!
It’s mustn’t die! We can keep it alive!
I accept your challenge(Totally not an ill timed wakanda joke)
(It’s not even my turn, this games pretty much dead)
It’s not your turn lol.
Ya, dice rolls can decide the winner!
I’m canning it for you guys.
It’s not gonna end like this and we got queue to move on with.
Not like anything happens with the misc games on the queue though, but can’t say I disagree with this.
Still saying you should have implemented multiple poisons per round.
You are wrong. :’)
@Napoleon Go ahead, open signups.
Battle of wits was cancelled due to inactivity, so go ahead.
Better update the hosting guide then?